Korean’s Secret of Getting Lighter Skin with White Tanning! (how to skin whitening)

Korean's Secret of Getting Lighter Skin with White Tanning! (How to get Korean skin?)

Korean’s Secret of Getting Lighter Skin with White Tanning!

When it comes to completing a look, many factors contribute to your overall appearance. However, the tone and quality of your skin often stand out as a defining element. While there are various preferences for skin tone, I personally find that fair skin suits me best (I believe my features don’t quite pull off a tan). To maintain a consistently fair complexion all year round, I’ve made white tanning a regular part of my beauty routine, especially as summer approaches.

Understanding My Skin Type

I generally have fair skin, especially since I’m not one for outdoor activities. Except for the summer, people often comment on how pale I am. After spending the autumn and winter seasons covered up in long sleeves, I sometimes even hear, “Was your skin always this white?” However, my skin tone can change quite drastically depending on how well I take care of it and the exposure to external factors. My skin tends to redden and burn quickly before turning tan after being exposed to the sun, causing a lot of discomfort. This year, I was particularly shocked when, for the first time, I ended up with dark tan lines from my swimsuit after underestimating the power of the sun on a cloudy day.

Why I Chose White Tanning

Despite my desire to maintain the same skin tone throughout the year, I must admit I’m quite lazy when it comes to skincare. I wanted a method that would deliver noticeable results quickly, without the pain of invasive procedures or the discomfort of long, face-to-face sessions with a professional. White tanning turned out to be the perfect solution for me. After the initial consultation and payment, I could handle the process myself, which suited my personality perfectly. Another advantage is that most tanning salons in Korea allow easy booking through apps like Naver, making it simple to schedule sessions that fit my routine.

What Exactly is White Tanning?

White tanning is a term that originated in Korea, but it’s more accurately described as “collagen therapy.” The pink light emitted by the white tanning machine stimulates the skin, promoting the production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. This process speeds up the skin’s turnover cycle, shedding dead cells while generating new ones, which results in a more even and radiant skin tone. Rather than focusing on whitening the skin, the treatment emphasizes skin regeneration.

How Long Does a Session Take?

The recommended duration varies depending on the machine, but typically, a session lasts about 20-30 minutes. Before entering the machine, you apply a tanning lotion that aids in whitening evenly across your face and body (you can use a mask-type lotion for your face if preferred). Once inside the machine, you simply press the start button and let the magic happen. Tanning machines differ depending on the salon, with some offering a reclining machine that lets you tan while lying down, while others have a standing machine with vibration features that also promote skin firmness. There are even machines designed specifically for facial care.

Does It Really Work?


I’ve been hooked on white tanning for three years now. Every summer, I eagerly renew my membership because I’ve seen real results. While the experience might vary from person to person, I usually start noticing improvements in my skin texture by the second or third session. By the sixth or seventh session, even friends start to comment on how much brighter my complexion looks. When I use a face-specific machine, I also notice my pores tightening, which is a nice bonus. It’s important to note that if you naturally have a darker skin tone, white tanning won’t suddenly turn your skin porcelain white. However, based on my consistent sessions, I’ve definitely seen my tanned skin return to its original tone more quickly, with a noticeable brightening of my complexion and improvement in skin texture.

Costs and Things to Keep in Mind

White tanning has become quite popular and more accessible in recent years. The cost varies depending on the salon, the type of machine, and the recommended tanning lotion. The lotion typically costs between 80,000 to 200,000 KRW, while the tanning sessions themselves can be as low as 10,000 KRW per session if you purchase a package deal. Using promotional offers like unlimited sessions can make the treatment even more affordable. Unlike traditional brown tanning, which can lead to burns, itching, and pain, white tanning is generally free from such side effects. The treatment works by accelerating the skin’s recovery cycle rather than directly affecting the skin’s surface, making it a highly effective solution for various skin concerns. However, it’s important to apply the lotion thoroughly to avoid any dryness caused by the heat and light from the machine. Even though the lamps are generally safe, overextending your time in the machine could potentially stress your skin. For the best results, it’s crucial to stick to the recommended duration and maintain regular sessions.

White tanning might just be the secret to achieving and maintaining a fair, even complexion all year round, especially for those of us who want to avoid the harsh effects of the sun or more invasive procedures.

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