Comprehensive Guide to Nose Surgery Costs and Options in Korea for International Patients

Comprehensive Guide to Nose Surgery Costs

Comprehensive Guide to Nose Surgery Costs and Options in Korea for International Patients

South Korea is a global leader in cosmetic surgery, particularly in rhinoplasty and other nose-related procedures. If you’re considering nose surgery in Korea, this guide provides essential information about the different types of surgeries available, their costs, and recovery times.

1. Augmentation Rhinoplasty (Silicone and Cartilage)

  • Cost: 3.5 million KRW to 4 million KRW
  • Procedure Time: 1 to 2 hours
  • Recovery Time: 1 week
  • Procedure Description: This surgery involves enhancing the height of the nasal bridge using silicone implants or cartilage grafts. It’s ideal for patients looking to achieve a more defined nasal profile.

2. Alar Reduction Surgery

  • Cost: 1 million KRW to 2 million KRW
  • Procedure Time: 0.5 to 1 hour
  • Recovery Time: 1 week
  • Procedure Description: This procedure focuses on narrowing the width of the nostrils by either suturing or making small incisions to reposition the alar base. It’s a popular choice for those who feel their nostrils are too wide or prominent.

3. Hump Nose Correction

  • Cost: 4 million KRW to 6 million KRW
  • Procedure Time: 1 to 2 hours
  • Recovery Time: 1 week
  • Procedure Description: This surgery involves removing the hump on the nasal bridge, which is often composed of bone and cartilage. The procedure smooths the profile of the nose, providing a more harmonious appearance.

4. Crooked Nose Correction

  • Cost: 6 million KRW to 8 million KRW
  • Procedure Time: 1 to 3 hours
  • Recovery Time: 2 weeks
  • Procedure Description: Crooked nose correction, or septoplasty, corrects the deviation of the nasal septum or bone. It’s not only a cosmetic procedure but also functional, as it can improve breathing difficulties caused by the deviation.

5. Nose Reduction Surgery (Osteotomy)

  • Cost: 5 million KRW to 8 million KRW
  • Procedure Time: 1 to 3 hours
  • Recovery Time: 2 weeks
  • Procedure Description: This surgery reduces the size of a large or wide nose by carefully breaking and repositioning the nasal bones. It’s a more invasive procedure but can significantly alter the appearance of the nose.

6. Nasal Tip Surgery

  • Cost: 3 million KRW to 6 million KRW
  • Procedure Time: 0.5 to 1 hour
  • Recovery Time: 1 week
  • Procedure Description: This surgery involves refining the tip of the nose by adjusting the cartilage. It can help achieve a more defined and proportionate nasal tip, which is a common concern for those with bulbous or drooping tips.

Things to Consider Before Your Surgery

  1. Selecting the Right Surgeon: Ensure your surgeon has extensive experience with the specific nose surgery you’re interested in. Board certification and a history of successful surgeries are essential.
  2. Understanding the Costs: Make sure you are aware of all costs involved, including the surgery itself, post-operative care, and any additional expenses that might arise.
  3. Pre- and Post-Operative Care: Follow all pre-surgery instructions provided by your surgeon and prepare for the recovery process by planning adequate rest time and care.


Nose surgeries in Korea offer a variety of options tailored to meet individual aesthetic goals. By understanding the details of each procedure, including the costs and recovery times, you can make an informed decision and achieve the results you desire. Always consult with a qualified specialist to ensure the best outcomes.

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